What is Q&A?



Q&A was established in the Spring of 2015 after a series of community conversations were held to identify the needs of local LGBTQ+ youth. It was decided that creating a gathering space was crucial for youth who need safe space and adults where they can come and “be themselves” free of judgment. It was clarified by youth that the space be somewhere they can make friends, celebrate, and explore their identity.  Out of these conversations, a weekly meet-up of “Queers and Allies of Coos County” was born. 



Since our inception, we have continued to meet weekly on Thursday afternoon/evenings in various locations in the North Bend/Coos Bay area. During the warmer months, we try to host community BBQs, Bonfires, or other events in partnership with the local Southern Oregon Coast Pride.



Our programs have recently expanded to support youth who may not necessarily need the support of a weekly group gathering, but have needs related to stepping into the working world. The Name Change fund and Gender Affirmation Closet ensure that youth have access to information and support when changing names or gender markers on their ID as well as clothing and other items as needed.